Men to avoid…

The Workaholic

The man who cares more about his career than anything. So career driven, he’s never home, always jetting off. This man will never be around, so avoid, like marmite!


The Alcoholic

The man who thinks geting pissed all the time is really cool. He thinks the more smashed he gets at weekends the more fun he is. All conversations revolve around how messy he got, and how many more shots he took than everyone else. Boring! If all you have to talk about is going out on the lash, and talking about being pissed as if it makes you interesting; you are sadly deluded. Oh, and your liver is fucked!


The Gym Buff

Nothing wrong with going to the gym, but if his life revolves around it, he can revolve around my middle finger!


The Fucked Up

So many gay men are really messed up. They don’t want relationships, the say they can’t commit, and that they’re not looking for anything serious, yet they’ll flirt like hell with you.

There are the ones who are so insecure that when they sell themselves down you don’t know if they’re just trying to blow you off, or if they really do fancy you. The signals are so confusing.

My advice,; the slightest whiff of being messed up or insecure, ditch the bitch, get a Big Mac, light up a Marlboro, and start again.


The One Who Is In An Unhappy Relationship

Often guys who are in unhappy relationships like to have a mistress. They end up breaking hearts, and playing dangerous games. These men are pussies, wimps, and need to be avoided at all costs. I’ve had offers from a few of them myself, and I’ve never got what I wanted. I’ve been left with a broken heart on every occasion. They never leave ther unhappy relationships for you because they are terrified. Who wants to date a pussy? Not me!

If he’s willing to cheat, he’d only cheat on you anyway. So you haven’t lost anything. Oh, and you’ve kept your pride.


The All Flirt And No Action Man

The ones who text, and call, and flirt, and chat, and show interest, and then confuse the hell out of you with their inaction. They’re generally unresponsive unless you’re talking utter bollocks about bollocks. Come on guys, man up, grow some balls, and make a decision.

Avoid these men as it’s difficult to understand what they want. Do they want to be mates or be dates? Well you’ll do better by moving on and finding someone who can be open.


The Bully

The one who tells you what you can and can’t do. The one who cries and stomps and sulks and manipulates because he can’t get his own way. The one who doesn’t let you out of his sight. He makes you feel so small and insignifiant ,you have no confidence to leave him or do anything.

Well the bully needs to be hung out to dry. Preferably by his scrotum.

You can spot a potential bully, if he uses the ‘we’ word within day 3 of your relationship. He always wants to know who you’re talking to; and you may not have even met him yet. He will text you constantly, mostly asking questions about what you’re doing and who you’re with.


The Sexy Boring One

Why are the most beautiful men so dull dull dull? I don’t need to say anymore.


The Frigid One

I don’t care what people say, sex is very important in a relationship. People only say that sex isn’t important because they hate their own bodies. If he doesn’t want sex with you, he either doesn’t like you or doesn’t like himself. Don’t hang around waiting for him to grow a pair.


The Quiet One

I don’t mean shy. I mean the guys who just go quiet on you. The ones who don’t reply to messages or phone calls, even tweets. If he can’t be bothered to reply to you, then he deserves to be dumped by text message.

Find yourself a man who is ready to whip his Blackberry out, no matter where he is or what he’s doing. You should be the most important person in his life.


Can you guys think of any more?

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About Mark

Gay and living in the city...

One response to “Men to avoid…”

  1. Zachary Austen says :

    I’m pretty sure I’ve been all of these personalities at some point in my life – except the Gym Buff, exercise is only for louses with no sex lives. At this point, I’m mostly an alcoholic, but only so none of my dying relatives will hit me up for organ transplants.

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